The One Where They Did HERSELF Proud

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Every word that Diana Gabaldon wrote was painted perfectly on to our television screens last night in ‘Wentworth Prison’ by every single member of the cast and crew of Outlander. I am just a simple gal from the Midwest who likes to about what appeals to me, and what I feel passion for. Outlander is just but one of those things.

I don’t know what the powers that be are looking for when deciding what earns an Emmy nomination and win but they need look no further than the episode of Outlander that aired last night. When I think about it now, I have chills and I am really close to crying all over again for it was simply a MASTERPIECE!

I witnessed one of the best moments in television history, despite it being one of the sickest things I have seen, and I watch Criminal Minds. For those who watch that show, it has pushed the envelope a bit in the freaky department.The reason ‘Wentworth Prison’ beats what I have seen on previous shows is how painstakingly raw everything was to the viewers.

I have never felt so many raw to the bone emotions all at once and from a single solitary episode. I read this scene in the book and it hit upon every emotional nerve in my body and what I experienced last night was tenfold.

It is one thing to read about it and picture it in your mind but to actually see it happen live (in a manner of speaking) was quite another altogether. I don’t think I moved much as I sat on the couch with the throw pillow on my lap. There are many reasons why this episode hit you where it hurts and I have to go through them all with you.


I have tried to picture the writers of this show in the writer’s room talking about how they are going to break down the HUGE story that is Outlander into 16 episodes. When you think about it, 16 hours is not a lot of time to tell a story this BIG but guess what they have done it.

They managed to tell all the pertinent parts of the story (with a small amount of divergence) without losing site of the big picture. There are no crazy side stories or gimmicks to make the story more entertaining, they just simply take the words from one page and put them onto another.

What we get from there is a great bit of storytelling at its finest; to see written words transformed book to screen was quite magical. I knew watching Wentworth would be rough and was not sure I would be able to stand it but to see that play out and come to life was a beautiful thing. I am still in awe this morning and completely mesmerized. What started out as words on a page, written beautifully first by HERSELF and then re-envisioned by the amazing writing team was amazing. Thank you, Outlander Writers!


I did not watch a single promo for this video beyond the ‘next week on Outlander’ so that I could feel all the emotions for the first time while watching the episode. At first glance, Claire appears to be at ease while sitting in the warden’s office inquiring about her husband.

Once the warden left to retrieve Jamie’s things, her walls came tumbling down a bit and she was trying very hard not to lose it. It was at that moment that I knew that anything Cait delivered later was going to be high on the emotional meter.

Cait has the ability to go from extreme emotional pain to being very pissed off in less than 20 seconds and right back to that extreme pain again. Claire was bound and determined that she was going to do everything in her power to get her husband back, and we felt every bit of her emotions.

I know I would not have wanted to be in her shoes trying to play out any of those scenes. Cait put you in those moments of her despair and when the scene would go back and forth from the prison to her, you could tell that time was running out. It was like she knew what was going on inside that prison cell when she has no clue.

When she finally found Jamie, we all felt her joy and pain when she saw what happened to him. We felt her fear when Jamie mentioned BJR and then felt her horror when she saw his badly mangled hand. We already felt that horror once but to feel it again through her emotions was quite another way for we felt it from a wife’s point of view. In all her scenes as Claire in last night’s episode, the dungeon scenes were her best. Ms. Balfe put you in that moment and you will never forget it. I will give you an Emmy if they don’t!!

Favorite Line: After BJR tells her that he heard she had been on trial for accusations of being a witch, she replied in a very scary way:

“Yes. Witch I am, And I curse you. I curse you with knowledge, Jack Randall. I give you the hour of your death.”

Above gifs source: Voyager Sassenach


This man is brilliant beyond brilliant and I think my jaw is still dropped to the floor. You literally forget that Tobias plays dual characters on this show because Black Jack Randall fully takes up the screen. I think that is part by design and part Tobias loving to explore that darker side that is most likely in all of us.

The way he embodies this character to the fullest is amazing. The actor’s ability to make you loathe, fear, perhaps feel a tad bit sorry for him (just for a second or two) and respect his character at the same time is astounding. I thought I would be yelling at him through my TV screen but I was too mesmerized by the high quality acting I was receiving from him that I could not muster a word.

The soft confident way with which he was speaking to Jamie entranced me and I was sickened by how his words made me feel. The almost loving way in which he talked about his relationship with Jamie was so heartfelt; it was almost as if he was telling us of a great love that got away. It was oddly disturbing and beautiful at the same time. He made me want to give in to him as he said Jamie would, I felt I would really surrender to him.

HAUNTING LINE: After Jamie informed him “I prefer the noose to your company”

“Why? Do I make you uncomfortable? Do I haunt your dreams since Fort William? When you awake in the middle of the night, shaken and sweating, is my face the one you see in the darkness? Tell me, when you lie upon your wife, and her hands trace the scars on your back, do you ever think of me? I want you to admit to yourself that you escaped Fort William, but you did not escape me. Surrender this pride you hide behind. Admit that even now, you’re terrified.”

I may have been sitting cross-legged on the couch but with every syllable Tobias uttered, I felt as if I was sitting on the edge of my seat. I know this will sound redundant but it has to be said. Despite reading the book and knowing what was coming, I was still shocked and utterly frightened and that was all due to how Tobias played his role to the hilt.

CREEPY LINE: (Said as he runs his hands and lips over Jamie’s scarred back)

“How does it feel to be alive – and wear so much dead flesh? Shall we begin?

Bravo!! You really scare me Tobias and it’s because you have mad acting skills, emphasis on the MAD!! If you don’t get a Best Supporting Actor Emmy nod or win, something is wrong with the world!


Jamie Fraser is a character that is loved by many and fans feel very protective of him. They also respect and fear him for he is a man of his word; He is the King of Men in the fictional world and maybe the real world as well. You would think casting him would have been hard but in truth this character was the easiest, thanks to the very talented Sam Heughan.

I am a big fan of the Hallmark channel and their Christmas movies and I must have seen A Princess for Christmas movie quite a few times. I may not remember the actor’s name but performances do stick with me. I did not remember his name but I remembered his face, character and performance.

I have taken to calling Sam a chameleon since he landed the role of Jamie Fraser because he really appears to take his characters in and literally become them. I made a blend of him as various characters he has played (one being Jamie) and the result is stunning.

Diana likes to say “I told you so” when a fan comments that Sam truly is Jamie Fraser and I cannot say I blame her! The fact that Sam IS Jamie was even more apparent in “Wentworth Prison”. He doesn’t even have to speak and you know every emotion he is feeling for it is written all over his face. Be it fear, anger, grief, pain, it all comes through in his face.

I am no actor so I don’t know where they have to go in order to bring out the best of them in a scene like the one we witnessed in that Wentworth dungeon but whatever it is, it sure as hell works. I also think he puts so much of himself into being Jamie that is comes naturally. Jamie Fraser is now his second skin and it shows!

I said Tobias gave me chills in his scenes but they are of a different variety if you know what I mean. Sam puts you in every moment and emotion he has and with mostly just a look so that when he speaks, you are completely with this character every step of the way.

It wasn’t just his hand that was mangled beyond recognition; it was our hand as well. You could see the moment that he made the choice (once again)to sacrifice himself for someone he loves very much, it was all written all over his face, the determination to see it through. Jamie Fraser is a man of his word and Sam Heughan owns that.

Once again, we see a single solitary tear run down his cheek and I was crying even more. Those three (and the writers) really know how to give a girl the feels! Well done Sam! If the peeps don’t honor you with an Emmy nod and a win, I will make you won! I will make all involved one!

Above Gif Source: Jamie Frassr


This episode was very much centered on Jamie, Claire and Blackjack Randall but I cannot forget the others involved. Duncan as Murtagh was once again the strong character that he needed to be. He was there for Claire and by extension Jamie. I love Murtagh so much. Angus and Rupert provided so much-needed comic relief and you could not help but laugh at their antics. Those antics led to a way for Claire to gain access to the prison.

Wentworth Prison is just one of the many episodes that prove Outlander is more than worthy of a quite a few Emmy’s and I will continue to shout that from the rooftops!! #EmmysForOutlander

From start to finish, this episode went well beyond my expectations and I think the whole cast and crew did indeed do HERSELF proud!

I give it FIVE Stars…what say ye? As usual, sound off below!!

About Nymerias

I am an avid book reader and when I am not writing for these2 two (now three) blogs that is what I am doing. I love Game of Thrones, Supernatural,Big Bang Theory, Criminal Minds, Blue Bloods, Outlander, Once Upon A Time, The Walking Dead, Fear The Walking Dead and many other shows. I am also a major hockey fan, especially my Detroit Red Wings! I also enjoy classic books and legal thrillers. I am also a very proud Blockhead, and my dream is to meet all 5 members ASAP! I might need a little help from the lottery!
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43 Responses to The One Where They Did HERSELF Proud

  1. Annette Sailors says:

    I felt everything that was happening on the screen and reacted much the same way you did. If these brilliant actors are not mentioned in Emmy conversations and nominations, I believe we will all have an issue with it. Jamie did not need words to convey everything he was thinking and feeling. Claire? Perfection! I could also add persistent since nothing was going to stop her from rescuing Jamie. BJR? Tobias Menzies? Wow! Just WOW!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Nymerias says:

      It was all just so WOW!! Another thing I forgot to mention was that there was no voice over. Good thing because it was not needed and would have taken away from the brilliant moments we all experienced!


  2. Sherry Minter says:

    I simply cannot believe the care that has been taken to stay true to the spirit of Diana Gabaldon’s original writing and characters with this adaptation. Masterpiece, indeed!!
    The casting is brilliant, and I remain in awe that Sam Heughan has become James Alexander Malcolm Mackenzie Fraser, easily my all time cherished fictional character. Heughan, along with the rest of the cast, Ron Moore. Anne Kenney, and Maril Davis, have achieved the impossible.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Nymerias says:

      I believe it will only get better with the season finale and Season 2! What this show has achieved and accomplished is amazing, to tell the depth of this story is just 16 episodes…..WOW!


  3. delft727 says:

    Five stars and five again! Great writers are finding words to describe the magnificence of Outlander. I have exhausted my supply and can only cry and thank them over and over again. Gifted. Genius. All.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. trarecar says:

    I loved it. I want to watch it again, but I also don’t, you know? Their acting was incredible. So good. I hope they are nominated.


  5. Charlotte Lammers says:

    Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! I pray they all get their well-earned Emmys. I, too, feared watching this episode. It was cringe-worthy in places, but so spot-on as far as the entire story.


  6. Sandy says:

    I think this is the only episode so far that I’m reluctant to watch over and over again as I have with some of my favorite, lighter, past episodes. It was haunting. I have watched it twice, my adrenalin was just too high on the first viewing. Acting is a mystery to me. I once read an article that said if you felt depressed, put your face into a smile and it will trick your brain into feeling happy. What does that say about acting? What emotional roller coaster does the cast go through to bring these wonderful books to life? They are doing a wonderful job, a difficult job, and I agree, Emmy’s for all!


  7. Spurlock, William says:

    I had to watch it to bear witness to the Black Soul of BJR. I had to be there to support Jamie and Claire in their darkest hour of need. The searing pain created by BJR is more horrifying than Hannibal Lecter. The acting was beyond superb, but I can’t watch it again!


  8. Jodysan says:

    Superb episode!! Worthy of more than 5 stars. Sam was magnificent! All three were great but Sam stood out for me as he didn’t need to say a word. His face told us everything. Hopefully, the emmy voters will see this also. The finale should be just as moving.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. ladyastara says:

    I was so ill after last night’s episode, I had to take TWO anti-anxiety pills, and put a neck wrap on to help with a vicious headache. I feel raw today, inside and out.

    I will be honest. As much as I love Sam and Cait, it was always Tobias I felt deserved an Emmy. Especially after also seeing him on Game of Thrones. I take it all back. Sam and Cait blew me away with their range of emotions. The look on Sam’s face throughout the episode was a reflection of what I was feeling. Cait’s portrayal of a wife who would do ANYTHING to save her husband had me in tears. And yes, Tobias playing a quietly evil sadist. I would rather have screaming and yelling. But no, Tobias, as the perfect English gentleman, didn’t need to raise his voice to scare the life out of me.

    I NEVER expected this wonderful series to be made, much less perfectly. Ron D Moore has done the impossible. Adding his wife, costume designer Terry Dresbach, and the assorted cast and crew he found along the way, was sheer brilliance.

    #EmmysForOutlander will be my battle cry, not TULACH ARD!

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Ellyn says:

    Truly a masterpiece. We are very fortunate to be seeing three great actors at the top of their games in OL. That doesn’t happen very often.


  11. Lisa A.Morrell Tankersley says:

    Like I have said before, I waited for this to become visual for me since the very first book. It’s a risky request because many cinematic transformations miss the mark.

    This cinematic event is truly epic. The talent in all facets of bringing this to my view(as sometimes I think it’s a gift for me)have impressed me beyond belief, beyond expectation. I admit as I was a bit fearful of what was to become of my beloved people(fictitious or not)in this interpretation, and along the way fearful of whom would play whom during the casting wars on fb.

    Time travel is real. How else would so many be so affected by time when waiting, and waiting some more and then while experiencing the feeling of shock and sadness at the end of a book or an episode when time really flew by.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Making the most haunting line more haunting…the is a very quite word missing in the quote that kicks it up a notch “Tell me, when you lie upon your wife, and her hands trace the scars on your back, do you ever think of me…and soften?” Eesh! “Chills.” This was by far the most masterfully tense, disturbing and beautiful television I have seen! Claire anguishingly leaning into Jamie when BJR nails his hand to the table has tears running down my cheeks even now. Just WOW!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Maria Grazia says:

    Great! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Posted a link on


  14. Kim says:

    Well said. I keep watching it over and over again. The single tear running down Jamie’s face tore my guts out.


  15. Judy11 says:

    I was mesmerized by the three strong and eloquent performances last night. Amazing work indeed – for all the cast, crew, etc involved. I was shocked when the credits rolled as I had been so intensely watching, totally immersed in the story that I could not believe an hour had past. It truly was groundbreaking and amazing televisin.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. MonicaP says:

    Yeah, Claire’s curse at the end was fabulous! Let those thoughts haunt that rat bastard!


    Liked by 1 person

  17. chanelgalme says:

    I give more than 5 stars. I have not seen ant TV show that effected me like this. It is truly awards winning show and the 3 actors Cait, Sam and Tobias plus the writing of this episode blew my mind. I don’t want this show to end but sadly only one episode left which will be another stunner. At least I have my DVDs to watch again and again.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. karen bee says:

    A brilliant episode but…they all are, in different ways. And while the cast in #15 is beyond belief, I do believe that the casting is so accurate that *all* the cast deserves our highest praise!


  19. Perfectly brilliant – the acting, the cast, the crew, the writing, the filming – Perfectly brilliant – Emmy award winning !!!


  20. Lisa E. says:

    BJR just made my skin crawl. I guess it was great acting; but Sam and Cait—I could just feel their utter and total anguish. I agree, they all 3 deserve many awards for last nite, and probably the one coming up.


  21. As Outlander is not on mainstream TV in the UK it is unlikely they will get a BAFTA so I really hope they all get an Emmy. The acting from all involved is brilliant.

    Liked by 1 person

  22. clarehoover says:

    WOW! If I could write a review it would have been this one. Agree, Ditto and All the above. LOVED IT! BRAVO!


  23. clarehoover says:

    Reblogged this on Outlander Ambassadors and commented:
    A Must Read Outlander Ep115 Wentworth Prison Review – now anticipating the 2015-2016 Award season. SQUEEE!


  24. Erin Howe says:

    I love this series. I cannot agree more that the actors and writing make this story come alive.It is a masterpiece.


  25. 10 out of 5 stars (can I do that?) Great review. I could not sit still through this episode, I was hopping about in anguish even though I knew what was coming – I’ve had the book since ep 8 ended (couldn’t handle not knowing what was to come) and have read it more times than I can shake a stick at (and the others at least once – I can’t even read any other books and I’ve tried). I was crying almost from the start but when I saw that tear roll down Jamie’s face – well that was it, I was done for – right through to the painful (I can’t believe they ended it there) end. They all deserve awards for such an amazing, painful episode. #EmmysForOutlander


    • Nymerias says:

      You can give it as many stars as you like my friend!! We all knew what would happen and what will happen. It DOESNT make it any easier to deal with. Thank you for the kind words, please feel free to look around other posts and comment any time!! 😀


  26. anafraserlallybroch says:

    Reblogged this on Ana Fraser Lallybroch Blog.


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