You Say It’s Your Birthday?

outlander birthdays, sam heughan, jamie fraser, outlander 1x07 the wedding,

Birthdays were a big deal in my family, and if it’s truth I’m telling, they still are. When it comes to my birthday, I’m 5. I like getting happy birthdays on Facebook and Twitter, I like presents and I especially like the Italian Creme Cake my mom makes me every year.

I also like other people’s birthdays. Celebrating is fun and what better thing to celebrate than the uniqueness that is YOU. So, to that end, we here at Outlander Dreaming want to celebrate you and your birthday!

Email your name, date of birth (no you don’t have to include the year), and your twitter handle (if you have one) to, and we will make a big deal over you.

We will also pick one birthday at random every month and that person will get an Outlander themed present from us here at Outlander Dreaming.

The Twitter for the Birthday Club is @OutlandishBirth

We have a Facebook Group as well, Outlandish Birthday Club


Please do not leave your birthday in the comments … I need them all in one place, so make sure that you send them to the email address above!  Thanks!


About Dede Taylor

I'm a reader of books, writer of tales, dabbler of .. things. I'm also an avid TV watcher, have been since M.A.S.H. first aired ...(that was a long time ago). I've been to the Berlin Wall (when it still was a wall), shaken hands with Ronald Reagan, and lived in Puerto Rico...among other fascinating things, and I ain't done yet.
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49 Responses to You Say It’s Your Birthday?

  1. corfukate says:

    My birthday is 3rd October, just missed it!


  2. Cindy Ward says:

    @thewardmomCindy. Birthday 7/25/62🎂


  3. Debra says:

    My birthday is January 8th, same as Elvis. 🙂


    • Nymerias says:

      My mom loves Elvis so I could never forget that date! Please send your birth date to the email provided in the post! 😉


    • Nymerias says:

      Thank you for sharing but could you please send your birth date to the email provided within this post. It makes it easier to have them all in one place.


  4. Lynn Eyermann says:

    What a wonderful idea Dede!!! Thank you for organizing this

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Robin Bebo-Long says:



  6. imdroberts says:

    I emailed! I share with Claire! Oct 20!


  7. Chris says:

    Done and done. 🙂


  8. Judith Shackelford Dec. 31st says:

    I really think December 31st is a much better way to start the PARTY off…otherwise I will have to wait one whole year!!!! By the way I am crying right now …and sobbing….and hiccuping….XXXO
    Judith Shackelford


  9. Ttelle70 says:

    Mine is august 18 🙂


  10. Sue Nestasia says:

    Mine is Nov 24 – @suzzyq3958


  11. Tammy Bursoni says:

    DOB is October 13, 1963


  12. lysaleelee says:

    ah! but my birthday it today:)


    • Dede Taylor says:

      Well Happy Birthday!!!!

      You didn’t miss anything tho’ because Birthday Club won’t be active until 2015.

      Please send your info to the email in the post, I need to have them all in one place! Thanks!!!


  13. Terry Spinelli says:

    @tropicalmontauk birthday just passed.. Oct 9


  14. Cindy marsh says:

    This is great


  15. Lisa Bowen says: birthdate 2/3


  16. Pamela Moore says:

    I followed directions and just submitted my email (with info) to be part of the club!


  17. Becky says:

    Emailed to you! Thanks! 🙂


  18. Maira says:

    Am i still in time?

    First, sorry if i confuse some words, meanings or tenses. My English isn’t very good at writing it.

    Sounds like a good idea to have. I don’t know if the Club is international, but also send the data, just in case.
    I’ll have to wait almost a year to see if i’m lucky, because my BDay is on Christmad, but…no matter.
    If isn’t international, just delete me!

    Kisses from Argentina!


  19. Lisa Matagaro says:

    March 18th


  20. pam says:

    December 26. Pam5083


  21. My birthday is July 22, the same as Prince George.


  22. Donelly Worthington says:

    Sent just now! Thanks!


  23. Jen Graham says:

    So fun! Birthday and Twitter handle emailed. 🙂


  24. Dawn Emrys says:

    Wow I guess the message got across not to put your birthday in comments! LOL


  25. ermajo says:

    Not until August 28! 🙂


  26. ermajo says:

    OOOOOPS I did not read the part about not leaving my date in the comments. Tried to delete. Sorry.


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