Outlander Withdrawal? I’ve Got a Fix!


When I heard there would be no new Outlander for SEVEN MONTHS I was devastated. You know, the sit in the corner, rocking back and forth, eating your hair, kind of devastated.

But, then I realized that eating my hair for SEVEN MONTHS, just wouldn’t be productive and there’s no Sam in that anyway. So, I thought long and hard about the best way to fill the time, not just for me but for Outlander Withdrawal sufferers everywhere.

Then it hit me…a trivia game! And Outlandish Trivia was born.

For 3 of the 7 months that we will be wandering the in the Outlander Wasteland, I will be playing a trivia game from my Twitter account:  @Frasers_Ridge

The game will be in 3 parts and will be played during the months of November 2014, January 2015, and March 2015 with the winners being announced at 8pm eastern time on April 4, 2015 an hour before the premiere of episode 9.

NOVEMBER:  All questions will come directly from the STARZ tv series.  Every day of the month there will be 12 questions.

1 will be a screencap and you will have to guess the episode.

1 will be sound clip and you will have to guess the episode, the speaker, and to whom they were speaking or finish the quote.

The final 10 will be random questions from things I discover from watching the episodes over and over again. (yes I know, it’s terrible to have to watch Outlander multiple times, but I love you guys and am willing to take one for the Sassenachs)

The screencap and sound clip questions will each be worth 20 points and the random questions will be worth 10 each for a total of 140 possible points everyday. The first person with the correct answer, in the correct format (see The Rules below) will collect the points.

JANUARY:  All questions will come from the books Outlander and The Outlandish Companion (but only as it relates to the first book).  Every day of the month there will be 10 questions taken from those books (I will be using physical copies not ebooks).

Each question will be worth 15 points for a total of 150 possible points everyday.  The first person with the correct answer, in the correct format (see The Rules below) will collect the points.

MARCH:  This will be QUESTIONPALOOZA and questions can come from anywhere: show, books (same books as above), print & video interviews, and cast & crew twitter feeds.  There will be 12 questions everyday each worth 10 points .. you can do the math :). First person with the correct answer, in the correct format (see The Rules below) will collect the points.

There will also be 1 bonus question everyday in March that is worth 50 points and will have you searching the interwebs for something …for instance: Find me a picture of Diana Gabaldon holding a sword (it won’t be that easy tho’).  First person to tweet the correct image, video, or quote will earn the points.

Some questions will be very easy and will just depend on who is fastest. Some will be a little harder and it will depend on if you know where to look. Some of them will be crazy hard and most likely just depend on what you know. I figure that is the best way to make things fair for die hard obsessed fans and newbies alike.

THE WINNERS: The 3 people with the highest scores at the end of March will be our winners.  Currently the prizes are:


1st Place: $35 gift card to The Poisoned Pen book store & a set of original bookmarks (made by me) 1 from each of the first 8 episodes of Outlander.


2nd Place: $ 25 gift card to The Poisoned Pen book store & a set of original bookmarks (made by me) 1 from each of the first 8 episodes of Outlander.


3rd Place: $15 gift card to The Poisoned Pen book store & a set of original bookmarks (made by me) 1 from each of the first 8 episodes of Outlander.

UPDATE 10/6/14 the 1st place winner will also receive a copy of Outlander with the series tie in cover as well as 1 large & 1 mini Starz Outlander poster (see photo below)


the 2nd place winner will also receive a copy of Outlander with the series tie in cover and 1 large Starz Outlander Poster.


the 3rd place winner will also receive  1 large & 1 mini Star Outlander poster



I am working on some other things and will let you know what other goodies I’ll be adding.

The Rules:   


The game will run exclusively on Twitter and will have its verra own hashtag: #OutlandishTrivia.  Your answer must include my Twitter handle: @Frasers_Ridge, the question number, and the game hashtag.

So if I tweet this:


Your answer would look something like this:


That’s it, easy peasy!

So come join me @Frasers_Ridge we’ll have lots of fun and pass the No New Outlander time together!!!

(if you’re new to twitter you can click HERE for some more twitter screen shots and ‘splainations)

About Dede Taylor

I'm a reader of books, writer of tales, dabbler of .. things. I'm also an avid TV watcher, have been since M.A.S.H. first aired ...(that was a long time ago). I've been to the Berlin Wall (when it still was a wall), shaken hands with Ronald Reagan, and lived in Puerto Rico...among other fascinating things, and I ain't done yet.
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